
A New Day

The Sun is Up

A silhouette of a man wearing a trilby hat with the dawn of a new bright day behind him

It has been well over 3 years since I last had the energy, time, mental fortitude to pen something for this blog. Since COVID hit, its been a rough ride for me personally.

I’ve kept the site online, funded monthly, but have spent little else on it.

Theres a lot to tell, we will come to that in time.

I’ve redesigned this place to be primarily functional, easy on the eye, robust and frictionless so I can expend more of my time and energy posting my musings in the months and years to come.

A New Dawn

At the end of 2024 I was able to retire slightly earlier than planned, which has closed a long chapter of service and support to an organisation and small team of people.

I now have some time and space to breathe and take stock and hopefully pursue some of the more burning passions of mine that have always been fully out of my reach.

I have some healing to do.

I have some exploring to do.

Some growing into the space.

As the sun comes out and rises overhead, the warmth and light can help me let go and embrace a new way.

The Passions in Peace

My interests lie scattered around me, but above all drive me towards a better means of computing for people, not extractive, streamlined, subscriptioned, surveilled but useful, helpful, interesting and enjoyable.

Similarly, empowering and supporting ethical organisations such as the EFF, ORG, IA, Wikipedia and all the FOSS developers and software made available freely for everyones use.

Championing artistic pursuits and the distribution of knowledge and human enriching ideas and works. Supporting public domain organisations and ensuring secure and private federated communications for any who need it.

I’m keen to pursue my own artistic whims, with digital art, digital music, writings and ethical interests for the good of the many.

Political struggle seems to be upon us all and trying to make sense of it all and support measures to help with the incoming climate catastrophe, be informed but not misled, make a difference no matter how small. Supporting independant media and journalists, coalesce around groups working on all fronts to make the world a better place for all humans.

Lofty goals to aim for.

My gaming is still precious to me, a place to explore vast virtual worlds and experiences only dreamed of. At the top end of gaming, their is a commercial rot withering the experience. I want to support and champion the innovative, the small developers, the niche titles that are true hidden gems worthy of polish and praise.

Appreciate the moment in the Sun

Time to take the time to appreciate a sip of tea in the sun and do something worthwhile.